To follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the truth of Scripture and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.
1. Christian Fellowship: Fellowship is closely associated with Communion, which literally means sharing. It is the closest intentional act of believers to participate with each other as a family encouraging each other in their walk with God. It is the bearing of another’s burdens, it is the guidance of one in crises, it is the sharing of resources and most of all it is the embodiment of love. When we are in a fellowship, we actively encourage each other in love. We would like Scripture Alone members to participate in this kind of edifying relationship with each other, because it honors God when we are in a fellowship (Hebrews 13:16).
2. Outreach: We believe that Christ has commanded us to share the Gospel (Matthew 28:19-20). The Gospel, or the “good news”, encompasses the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that provides a path of reconciliation for humanity to the Godhead. We share the Gospel by informing this Scriptural truth to those who have not heard it, or to those who have not understood its implications yet. Another way to share the Gospel is simply by sharing our testimonies on how the good news of Jesus Christ has transformed our lives.
Server name: Scripture Alone
Scripture is the word of God. It lays out the standards of a Christian’s life. When we say scripture alone we mean that all other information should be read through the lens of what scripture has to say about that topic. There are usually three lenses in which influence how we interpret things which are tradition, reason, and experience. If we were to make an analogy of a stool, we may say that scripture is the foundation we sit upon whereas tradition, reason, and experience are the legs of that stool. Therefore, tradition such as all the readings of church fathers should be read through the lens of scripture. Our experience which is our journey and emotion as a Christian must be read through the lens and example of those in scripture that came before us. Our logic and rationale about life and metaphysics should align with what scripture says about God and his interaction with the world. Scripture Alone does not mean we only read scripture, it means that scripture is the standard by which we base and interpret our life and meaning.